Tips And Resources

How To Improve Your Credit Score

By Todd Adams

Contrary to popular belief, credit repair is not all the difficult. Granted, the time required to repair someone's credit will vary from person to person. And the amount of damage required to restore credit can take play a major factor in the time frame to improve a bad credit rating. However, it is true that even the worst credit can be restored in a decent amount of time provided you take the right steps to do so.

First and foremost, most people that have fallen behind on their bills are probably dealing with harassing phone calls from debt collectors. If you are dealing with a collection agency, you DO have the law on your side. This means that you have protection that can aid in ceasing the harassment: What you can do is write a letter to the collection agency and state that you wish for them to stop contacting you. At this point, they have to stop calling you! The law compels such action on their part. Mainly, since you are already aware of the situation, they do not need to keep harassing you about it. Be sure and send your letter certified.

Sending a certified letter requesting the collection agencies to stop harassing you DOES NOT mean you are no longer responsible for the debt and it does not mean an adverse action cannot be taken against you. However, often times when you explain in your letter that you don't owe the debt and when you ask them to provide proof that the debt is yours, that's when things can get a little more complicated for the debt collector. Depending on how large your debt is, it may not be worth their time to collect all the documentation to provide you with proof and since they are the accusor, it is up to them to be the barren of proof. If they can't provide adequate evidence that you owe them what they say you owe or if their numbers are incorrect, then they will have a difficult time collecting if the matter is taken to court as well. You also have the right to ask the debt collector not to report the debt to credit bureaus since you do not agree with the debt they say that you owe.

When it comes to paying your debts, the odds are that the bulk of your debt was obtained through unsecured means. This means that you will be dealing with credit card companies, personal loan providers, and the like. If you do agree that the debt is yours and the amount they are charging in interest and fees is agreeable in documents that you have sighed, then you can call your creditors on the phone and discuss your situation to let them know that you have the full intention to pay off your debt but that you need theminimum payments lowered. You can also ask if they would be willing to reduce your interest rates as well. (They would rather collect something from you as opposed to nothing at all, so remember, the ball is in your favor.)

Make a note of the time and date of your phone call and send a letter expressing the same sentiments to the manager of the collections department. Always send your mail by certified mail when dealing with debt collectors. This way, you are documenting everything to protect yourself in the possible case that legal action may arrise.

While you are working to pay off your existing debt, it is important that you stop borrowing. The higher your credit card balances are, the longer it can take to repair your credit score. It's never impossible and there are excellent experts in this area that can help you. But the cessation of borrowing will move towrards this goal much more quickly.

Also don't miss anymore payments. When you miss payments, they are all counted as black marks on your credit. Be sure to pay all your monthly payments before their due date, since this will aid in achieving your credit repair goals more effectively. Making more frequently payments is also helpful if you are able to do that. Sometimes it means taking on a second job or accepting overtime for a little while in order to meet the demands of your debt. Even if you pay the minimum monthly balance, send two more payments of $5 per month. All of these payments will be noted on your payment record and they will aid in improving your credit score.

Examining your credit score for accurate information is helpful. You do not want inaccurate information on the report since it will falsely lower your score. If you have a collection taking action against you, write a letter to the company that you owe the money to and find out what can be done to remove the information. This way, you will be able to boost your credit rating since the derogatory information was removed.

These steps to restore credit rather simply in addition to contacting one of our experts below to help you all the more. These methods can be so effective that it will appear like you've had excellent credit and no problems all along. The past can be reversed and there is hope no matter how bad your credit score may be. Many people have been in worse situations than you and they too have seen improvements in their credit scores by taking these few simple actions.

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